Crimson Cup

Crimson cup plant

The Crimson Cup plant, also known as Neoregelia ‘Crimson Nest’, captivates with its striking foliage. This bromeliad variety showcases vibrant green leaves that deepen to a vivid crimson near the plant’s center, creating a stunning visual display that mimics a nest. Thriving in bright, indirect sunlight and requiring minimal watering, it’s an ideal choice for those seeking low-maintenance indoor plants.

For pet owners, the Crimson Cup offers a reassuring bonus: it’s generally considered non-toxic to both cats and dogs. This makes it a safe and spectacular addition to any home, allowing you to enhance your living spaces with its colorful charm without worrying about your pets’ health. Just ensure it’s placed in a spot where it can get plenty of light, and enjoy the lush, vibrant ambiance it brings to your surroundings.

Scientific NameNeoregelia ‘Crimson Nest’
Common NamesCrimson Cup
Native RangeCultivar; original species are native to Brazilian rainforests
Plant TypeEvergreen perennial
HeightUp to 12 inches (30 cm)
SpreadUp to 18 inches (45 cm)
Leaf ShapeBroad, flat, strap-like leaves
Leaf ColorBright green with crimson center
FlowersSmall, blue or violet; nestled in the cup, rarely seen
Growth HabitRosette-forming with a central “cup” that holds water
Light RequirementBright, indirect light
Soil TypeWell-draining, orchid or bromeliad mix
Water RequirementsModerate; fill the central cup, allow to dry slightly between waterings
TemperaturePrefers warmer temperatures, not below 55°F (13°C)
UsesOrnamental, ideal for indoor and terrarium settings
ToxicityNon-toxic to cats and dogs

How to Grow and Care for Crimson Cup

See also  Silver Star


Are Crimson Cup plants toxic to cats?

Are Crimson Cup plants toxic to dogs?

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