Desert Trumpet

Desert trumpet plant

The Desert Trumpet, scientifically known as Eriogonum inflatum, is an intriguing wildflower native to the arid regions of the western United States. This unique plant is easily recognized by its swollen, hollow stem, which inflates as it matures—a distinctive adaptation that allows it to conserve moisture. The Desert Trumpet grows low to the ground and showcases small, clustered flowers atop its elongated stems, adding a subtle beauty to desert landscapes.

For pet owners, the Desert Trumpet is particularly appealing as it is non-toxic to both cats and dogs. This makes it a safe addition to household gardens or as part of a natural desert landscaping where pets may roam. It thrives in sandy soils and requires minimal water, making it a low-maintenance choice for eco-conscious gardeners looking to reduce their water usage while still enjoying vibrant, resilient plant life.

Common NameDesert Trumpet
Scientific NameEriogonum inflatum
OriginWestern United States
TypePerennial herb
HeightTypically 1-2 feet
WidthSpreads 1-2 feet
Leaf ColorGreen, sometimes with a blue-gray hue
Leaf ShapeRounded to spatulate
Stem CharacteristicsHollow, inflated, often reddish or green
FlowersSmall, yellow to white, clustered at stem ends
Soil PreferenceWell-drained, sandy, prefers arid conditions
Sun ExposureFull sun
Hardiness ZonesZones 5-9
Drought ToleranceHigh
Maintenance LevelLow
ToxicityNon-toxic to cats and dogs

How to Grow and Care for Desert Trumpet

See also  Roosevelt Fern


Are Desert Trumpet plants toxic to cats?

Are Desert Trumpet plants toxic to dogs?

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